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Personalization of a card is made when it is necessary for it to bear any unique information regarding the owner, product or service which it offers.  The personalization  makes avery card unique and binds it with the bearer, for example badges, cards for loyal customers, business cards, or with the system for which it is intended – promotion cards, cards for discounts and many others.
== Digital offset print ==
[[File:20150326_141406nb.JPG|thumb|240px|HP Indigo]]
The digital offset print is used for making small circulations of cards – up to 3000 pieces. In this case the cards are personalized at the same time with the printing of static image. They may be personalized as with numbers, barcodes, names - as well as with color photos.  It is used at making badges, ID cards, discounts or loyalty cards. A great advantage of such personalization is that it allows better data protection of scratching and scrubbing as everything stays under the protective layer of laminate. This guarantees better durability of the personalized data. 
==  Thermal transfer print ==
[[File:20150326_141159nb.JPG|thumb|240px|T 10]]
Technology for printing of cards at which the image is put on the card as is taken by special stripe. If the image is full-color then are used stripes with the four colors basic for the printing - cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (K) - CMYK.
The thermal printing is made with sublimation printers.
==  Electronic personalisation ==
[[File:20150326_141508nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Card with magnetic stripe]]
Magnetic strip encoding.
The magnetic stripe of the cards is usually placed on one and the same place no matter of the card type. Its place is fixed on 4 mm of the upper edge of the card. The width of the stripe is not strictly determined but in practice is established width from 12,5 mm. to 13mm.
The magnetic strip is organized on three independent tracks for encoding /reading/. Each of them has different capacity and opportunities. 
The first track is with maximum length of encoding of 76 symbols which may be characters and digits (7 bits).
The second track is with maximum length of encoding of 37 symbols which are only digits (5 bits).
The third track is with largest length of encoding – 104 symbols which are also only digits (5 bits).
[http://www.maxcard.bg/docs/ANSI_magstripe.pdf More for magnetic stripe encoding.]
== Embossed personalisation ==
The process of embossed deformation of the plastic cards with characters and digits – compulsory at the credit and debit cards. It is realized by specialized machines /embossers/ on strictly defined places. The embossing is made with alphanumeric symbols on Cyrilic or in Latin. At the emboss-printing is typical that may be available only lowercase letters, while the digits are lower and larger.
Usually the so received inscription is colored with silver, golden or other color by tipper.
<gallery widths=230px heights=230px >
With embossing can be printed information from database, names, dates, serial, or random number information. The embossing symbols can be seen in the gallery here. There are large digits (OCR 7B)5mm,
Cyrillic, Latin and Small Numbers (Standard Gothic)3mm
== Barcode ==
[[File:20150326_150017nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Card with barcode]]
The barcode is a system for encoding stock units or objects in industry, trade, medicine and many other fields which presents information for the manufacturer and the article and other information. The barcode serves for identification of a particular object and helps for tracing the circulation of goods and the demand of goods. Barcode is also a machine readable marking on the packaging. Most frequently met are the barcodes consisting of digits and different by width vertical parallel lines, which visually resemble a grid. The barcodes are read by optic scaning devices called barcode readers supplied with the respective software.
== Barcode Reader==
[[File:20150326_093533nb.JPG|thumb|150px|Barcode Reader]]
Barcode reader — is a peripheral device which reads the barcode put on the packaging of the good and transfers this information to the computer, cash register or POS-terminal.
The bracode readers are used in the trade and services for fast identification of the goods at their sale, storage etc. The barcode contains the specific information for the goods and is put on their packaging still at the production or is printed by means of specialized printer.
==  Термичен печат ==
Технология за печат на карти, при която изображението се отлага върху картата, като се отнема от специална лента. Ако изображението е пълноцветно, тогава се използват ленти с четирите основни за печата цветове - cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) и black (K) - CMYK.
Термичният печат се извършва със сублимационни принтери.
== Ембосиране ==
Процесът на релефно деформиране на пластмасовите карти с букви и цифри - задължително при кредитните и дебитни карти. Осъществява се чрез специализирани машини /ембосери/ на строго определени места. Ембосирането се прави с буквено цифрови символи на кирилица или латиница. Харакерно е, че при ембос-печата може да има само малки букви, докато цифрите са малки и големи.
Обикновено така полученият надпис се оцветява със сребърен, златен или друг цвят чрез типер.
== European Article Number (EAN-13) ==
== European Article Number (EAN-13) ==
EAN-13 се състои от 13 цифри и има следната структура:  
EAN-13 може условно да се раздели на пет зони.
EAN-13 consists of 13 digits and has the following structure:EAN-13 may be provisionally divided into five zones.
- Три цифри префикс на националната организация GS1, от регистърът, в който се регистрира продукцията. По този начин те обозначават не страната производител, а страната на регистриране, които често не са едни и същи. Кодовете от 200 до 299 са резервирани за вътрешно ползване на различни организации и не изискват регистрация.  
- Three digits prefix of the national organization GS1, by the register in which the production is registered. In this way they mark not the country-producer but the country of registration which most frequently are not one and the same. The codes from 200 to 299 are reserved for internal use of different organizations and do not require registration.  
Всяко едно предприятие, във всяка точка на света може да ги използва, по свое усмотрение но само и единствено за вътрешни цели. Използването им извън предприятията е забранено.
Each enterprise in each point of the world may use them by its estimation but only for internal purposes. Their use beyond the enterprises is forbidden.  
- Следващите 4 или 6 цифри са запазени за регистрационния номер на производителя
- The following 4 or 6 digits are reserved for the registration number of the producer.
Втората логическа група цифри- това е кодът на производителя, предприятието или прекупвача. Ако количеството на цифрите в това поле е по-голямо то ще могат да се регистрират по-голямо количество предприятия, но така се намалява броят на артикулите, които могат да се регистрират от всяко предприятие.  
The second logical group of digits – this is the code of the manufacturer, enterprise or reseller. If the quantity of digits in this field is bigger then more enterprises may be registered but in this way is decreased the number of articles which may be registered by each enterprise.
- 3 или 5 цифри: код на артикула
- 3 or 5 digits: article code
Следващите 3 или 5 цифри служат за обозначаване на самият артикул. Предприятието е свободно да номерира своите продукти в удобен за него ред.
The following 3 or 5 digits serve for marking of the article itself. The enterprise is free to number its products in an order convenient for it.
- 1 цифра: контролна
- 1 digit: check digit
Последната оставаща цифра служи за правилност при четене от скенера.
The last remaining digit serves for correctness at reading by the scanner.  
За изобразяването на цифри в баркода EAN се използва надеждна система, имаща високо ниво на сигурност.  
For representation of digits in the EAN barcode is used a reliable system having high level of security.  
Първата цифра от баркода има специално предназначение. Останалите 12 цифри се делят на две групи, по шест във всяка (лява и дясна). Групите от цифри са преградени от така наречените защитни или ограждащи щрих шаблони. Тези шаблони съдържат щрихи с еднаква ширина, които служат за синхронизация на скенера. Лявата и дясната група цифри са заградени от 3 щрихи- два тъмни и един светъл между тях. Средната група от защитни щрихи се състои от пет щриха- три светли и два тъмни. За едни и същи цифри в лявата (L) и дясната (R) страна се използват различни кодове.
The first digit of the barcode has special purpose. The remaining 12 digits are divided into two groups by six in each one (left and right). The groups of digits are screened off by so called protective or enclosing stroke patterns. These patterns contain strokes with one and the same width which serve for synchronization of the scanner. The left and right group of digits are enclosed by 3 strokes – two dark ones and one light one between them. The middle group of protective strokes consists of five strokes – three light ones and two dark ones. For one and the same digits on the left (L) and the right (R) side are used different codes.  
Всяка цифра независимо дали е от лявата или дясната страна се кодира с помощта на четири щриха два светли и два тъмни. Всеки щрих може да има относителна ширина от една, две, три или четири единици. Общата ширина на щриха за една цифра винаги съставят седем единици. Общата ширина на целия баркод винаги е равна на 95 единици. Във всеки код има 29 светли и 30 тъмни щриха.
Each digit no matter if it is on the left or on the right side is encoded by means of four strokes – two light ones and two dark ones. Each stroke may have relative width of one, two, three or four units. The total width of the stroke for one digit always consists of seven units. The total width of the whole barcode is always equal to 95 units. In each code are present 29 light and 30 dark strokes.
== EAN8 ==
== EAN8 ==
An EAN-8 is a barcode and is derived from the longer European Article Number (EAN-13) code. It was introduced for use on small packages where an EAN-13 barcode would be too large; for example on cigarettes, pencils (though it is rarely used for pencils), and chewing gum packets. It is encoded identically to the 12 digits of the UPC-A barcode, except that it has 4 (rather than 6) digits in each of the left and right halves.
EAN-8 barcodes may be used to encode GTIN-8s which are another set of product identifiers from the GS1 System. It begins with a 2- or 3-digit GS1 prefix (which is assigned to each national GS1 authority) 5- or 4-digit item reference element depending on the length of the GS1 prefix), and a checksum digit.
EAN-8 has smaller sizes than EAN-13, and is respectively used for marking of smaller packagings. It consists of 8 digits. The first three are again for the country producer, the next 4 digits for the article number and finally is the check digit. Its nominal sizes are 26,73х21,31 mm at hight of strokes 8,23 mm and preferred disposition in the back bottom corner.  
EAN-8 codes are common throughout the world, and companies may also use them to encode RCN-8s (8-digit Restricted Circulation Numbers) used to identify own-brand products sold only in their stores. These are formatted as 02xx xxxx, 04xx xxxx or 2xxx xxxx.[1]
== Universal Product Code (U.P.C.) ==
== Universal Product Code (U.P.C.) ==
UPC се състои от дванадесет разряда, разделени в три групи. Този баркод стандарт не предвижда разряди за държава
Първата група от 6 до 9 разряда и се нарича UPC фирмен префикс
UPC consists of twelve divisions divided into three groups. This barcode standard does not provide divisions for country.  
Втората група от 5 до 2 разряда отговаря на номер на артикула
The first group of 6 to 9 divisions is called UPC company prefix.
Последният (12-ти) разряд е контролна цифра
The second group of 5 to 2 divisions conforms to the article number.
(U.P.C.) се използва успешно в супермаркетите в Америка и Канада от 1973 г.
The last (12-th) division is check digit.
(U.P.C.) is successfully used in the supermarkets in America and Canada since 1973.  
== Code 39 ==
== Code 39 ==
Code 39 е първата разработена буквено-цифрова симвология. Това е най-често използваната баркод симвология, защото позволява да бъдат кодирани цифри, букви и пунктуации. Това е дискретна симвология с променлива дължина. Всеки символ при Code 39 се състои от 5 чертички и 4 празни полета. Кодировката на всеки символ се състои от 3 широки и 6 тесни елемента. Всички малки букви автоматично се трансформират в големи, защото Code 39 не поддържа кодирането на малки букви. Символът * е запазен за използване като символ за начало и край на баркода. Баркодовете, които съдържат невалидни символи, се заместват със зачеркнат квадрат с цел визуална индикация на грешката. Структурата на Code39 mod 43 е същата като на Code39, с добавен контролен символ за проверка на данните. Контролният символ е сума по модул 43 на стойностите на всички символи. Списъкът от символи, които могат да бъдат кодирани с Code39 включва главни букви от A до Z, числата от 0 до 9, празният символ, символите . $ / + %
Code 39 is the first developed alphanumeric symbology. This is the most frequently used barcode symbology because it affords to be encoded digits, characters and punctuations. This is a discrete symbology with variable length. Each symbol at Code 39 consists of 5 lines and 4 blank fields. The encoding of each sysmbol consists of 3 wide and 6 narrow elements. All lower case letters are automatically transformed in capital ones because Code 39 does not support the encoding of lower case letters. The symbol * is reserved for use as symbol for beginning and end of the barcode. The barcodes which contain invalid symbols are substituted with striken out square with the purpose of visual indication of the error. The structure of Code39 mod 43 is the same as of Code39, with added check symbol for data check. The check symbol is sum by module 43 of the values of all symbols. The list of symbols which may be encoded with Code39 includes capital letters from A to Z, the digits from 0 to 9, the blank symbol, the symbols. $ / + %
==  Code 128 ==
==  Code 128 ==
Code 128 е въведен, като буквено-цифрова технология с висока плътност. От 1990 г. насам неговото използване е разширено в голям брой приложения. Има възможност да се адаптира автоматично, когато се кодира само цифрова информация или когато се кодира буквено-цифрова информация. Поради това, че е много компактен, този код в цифровата си версия може да се използва винаги, а буквено-цифровата версия е дори по-компактна от Code 39. Тази симвология е непрекъсната с променлива дължина и все по-често се използва вместо Code 39, поради по-голямата плътност и по-големият избор от символи. Кодовата таблица на Code 128 включва цифрите от 0 до 9, буквите от A до Z (големи и малки), и всички стандартни ASCII символи и контролни кодове. Кодовете са разделени на три вида - A, B, и C. За тази цел има три различни начални кода, за индикиране на видовете. В допълнение всеки вид включва контролни символи за превключване от един към друг вид по средата на баркода. Вид А включва стандартните ASCII символи, цифри, големи букви и контролни кодове. Вид В включва стандартните ASCII символи, цифри, големи и малки букви. Вид С компресира две цифри във всяка позиция, постигайки превъзходна наситеност.
Code 128 is introduced as alphanumeric technology with high density. Since 1990 its use is extended in large number of applications. There is possibility to be adapted automatically when is encoded only digital information or when is encoded alphanumeric information. Because of being very compact this code in its digital version may be always used, and the alphanumeric version is even more compact than Code 39. This symbology is continuous with variable length and is more frequently used instead Code 39, because of the better density and better choice of symbols. The encoding table of Code 128 includes the digits from 0 to 9, letters from A to Z (lower case and capital) and all standard ASCII symbols and check codes. The codes are divided into three types - A, B, and C. For this purpose there are three different initial codes for indication of types. Additionally each type includes check symbols for switching over from one to another type in the middle of the barcode. Type А includes the standard ASCII symbols, digits, capital letters and check codes. Type В includes the standard ASCII symbols, digits, capital and lower case letters. Type С compresses two digits in each position achieving superb intensity.  
== INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 ==
== INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 ==
IInterleaved 2 of 5 is a higher-density numeric symbology based upon the Standard 2 of 5 symbology. It is used primarily in the distribution and warehouse industry.
[[File:Interleaved_2of5.jpg|thumb|Interleaved2 of 5]]
Interleaved 2 of 5 encodes any even number of numeric characters in the widths (either narrow or wide) of the bars and spaces of the bar code. Unlike Standard 2 of 5, which only encodes information in the width of the bars, Interleaved 2 of 5 encodes data in the width of both the bars and spaces. This allows Interleaved 2 of 5 to achieve a somewhat higher density.
Interleaved 2 of 5 is introduced as alphanumeric technology with high density based on Standard 2 of 5. It is mainly used at the distribution and warehouse industry.  
The symbology is called "interleaved" because the first numeric data is encoded in the first 5 bars while the second numeric data is encoded in the first 5 spaces that separate the first 5 bars. Thus the first 5 bars and spaces actually encode
Interleaved 2 of 5 codes each even number of digits in the widths (narrow or wide) of the bars and the blank fields of the barcode. This affords achieving of a little bit higher density.  
Codabar can encode the digits 0 through 9, six symbols (-:.$/+), and the start/stop characters A, B, C, D, E, *, N, or T. The start/stop characters must be used in matching pairs and may not appear elsewhere in the barcode. Codabar is used in libraries, blood banks, the overnight package delivery industry, and a variety of other information processing applications.
There is no checksum defined as part of the Codabar standard, but some industries (libraries, for example) have adopted their own checksum standards. Since Codabar is self-checking, there is no established checksum digit. Should a specific application wish to implement a checksum digit for additional security, it is up to the implementer to define and handle same. However, keep in mind that other applications that read your barcode will interpret your checksum digit as part of the message itself.
Codabar may code the digits from 0 to 9, six symbols (-: $ / +.), as well as start / stop A, B, C, D, E, *, N, or Т. The start / stop signs must be used in coinciding couples and can not appear on other place in the barcode. Codabar is used in libraries, blood banks, courier as well as many other applications for information processing. There is no defined check sum as part of the standard Codabar, but some industries (for example libraries) have approved their own standards for check sum. As far as Codabar is self-controlled there is no fixed check digit. If a specific application wants to apply check digit for additional security – such ones may be specified.  
== QR КОД ==
== QR CODE ==
QR код (съкращение от Quick Response/Бърз отговор) е специфичен двумерен баркод, разпознаваем от специални QR четци за камери на мобилни телефони. Баркодът се състои от черни модули, подредени в квадратен шаблон върху бял фон. Информацията в него може да бъде текстова, URL или друга. Измислен е от подразделението на Toyota, Denso-Wave през 1994 и с навлизането на смартфоните придобива все по-голяма популярност.  
[[File:Clip_image002.gif|thumb|[http://www.maxcard.bg/en/wiki/index.php?title=QR_CODE QR CODE ]]]
QR кодовете представляват матрични баркодове, които имат свойството да съхраняват информация, която да се визуализира при сканиране на кода. За да работи един QR код, той трябва да отговаря на конкретни структурни изисквания, но те позволяват и да се модифицира лесно (например да се сменят цветовете стига да има контраст между двата цвята, оформящи QR кода, да се сложи лого и пр. Приложенията на QR кодовете са безкрайни. Потребителите могат да сканират кода, за да научат повече за даден продукт, да отворят даден уеб сайт или да запишат информация, скрита зад кода.
QR code (abbreviation by Quick Response) is a specific two-dimensional barcode readable by special QR readers for cameras of mobile phones. The barcode consists of black modules arranged in square pattern on white background. The information in it may be text, URL or other. It is invented by the division of Toyota, Denso-Wave in 1994 and with the entering of smart-phones becomes more popular.  
QR codes represent matrix barcodes, which have the property to store information which is visualized at code scanning. In order a QR code to operate it should conform to particular structural requirements but they also allow its easy modification (for example to be changed the colors only if there is contrast between two colors, forming the QR code, to be put a logo etc. The applications of QR codes are endless. The consumers may scan the code in order to learn more for a given product, to open a given web site or to record information hidden behind the code.
  More for QR Codes : [[QR CODE]]

Latest revision as of 13:32, 22 February 2018

Personalization of a card is made when it is necessary for it to bear any unique information regarding the owner, product or service which it offers. The personalization makes avery card unique and binds it with the bearer, for example badges, cards for loyal customers, business cards, or with the system for which it is intended – promotion cards, cards for discounts and many others.

Digital offset print

HP Indigo

The digital offset print is used for making small circulations of cards – up to 3000 pieces. In this case the cards are personalized at the same time with the printing of static image. They may be personalized as with numbers, barcodes, names - as well as with color photos. It is used at making badges, ID cards, discounts or loyalty cards. A great advantage of such personalization is that it allows better data protection of scratching and scrubbing as everything stays under the protective layer of laminate. This guarantees better durability of the personalized data.

Thermal transfer print

T 10

Technology for printing of cards at which the image is put on the card as is taken by special stripe. If the image is full-color then are used stripes with the four colors basic for the printing - cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (K) - CMYK. The thermal printing is made with sublimation printers.

Electronic personalisation

Card with magnetic stripe

Magnetic strip encoding. The magnetic stripe of the cards is usually placed on one and the same place no matter of the card type. Its place is fixed on 4 mm of the upper edge of the card. The width of the stripe is not strictly determined but in practice is established width from 12,5 mm. to 13mm. The magnetic strip is organized on three independent tracks for encoding /reading/. Each of them has different capacity and opportunities.

The first track is with maximum length of encoding of 76 symbols which may be characters and digits (7 bits).
The second track is with maximum length of encoding of 37 symbols which are only digits (5 bits).
The third track is with largest length of encoding – 104 symbols which are also only digits (5 bits). 

More for magnetic stripe encoding.

Embossed personalisation

The process of embossed deformation of the plastic cards with characters and digits – compulsory at the credit and debit cards. It is realized by specialized machines /embossers/ on strictly defined places. The embossing is made with alphanumeric symbols on Cyrilic or in Latin. At the emboss-printing is typical that may be available only lowercase letters, while the digits are lower and larger. Usually the so received inscription is colored with silver, golden or other color by tipper.

With embossing can be printed information from database, names, dates, serial, or random number information. The embossing symbols can be seen in the gallery here. There are large digits (OCR 7B)5mm, Cyrillic, Latin and Small Numbers (Standard Gothic)3mm


Card with barcode

The barcode is a system for encoding stock units or objects in industry, trade, medicine and many other fields which presents information for the manufacturer and the article and other information. The barcode serves for identification of a particular object and helps for tracing the circulation of goods and the demand of goods. Barcode is also a machine readable marking on the packaging. Most frequently met are the barcodes consisting of digits and different by width vertical parallel lines, which visually resemble a grid. The barcodes are read by optic scaning devices called barcode readers supplied with the respective software.

Barcode Reader

Barcode Reader

Barcode reader — is a peripheral device which reads the barcode put on the packaging of the good and transfers this information to the computer, cash register or POS-terminal. The bracode readers are used in the trade and services for fast identification of the goods at their sale, storage etc. The barcode contains the specific information for the goods and is put on their packaging still at the production or is printed by means of specialized printer.

European Article Number (EAN-13)


EAN-13 consists of 13 digits and has the following structure:EAN-13 may be provisionally divided into five zones. - Three digits prefix of the national organization GS1, by the register in which the production is registered. In this way they mark not the country-producer but the country of registration which most frequently are not one and the same. The codes from 200 to 299 are reserved for internal use of different organizations and do not require registration. Each enterprise in each point of the world may use them by its estimation but only for internal purposes. Their use beyond the enterprises is forbidden. - The following 4 or 6 digits are reserved for the registration number of the producer. The second logical group of digits – this is the code of the manufacturer, enterprise or reseller. If the quantity of digits in this field is bigger then more enterprises may be registered but in this way is decreased the number of articles which may be registered by each enterprise. - 3 or 5 digits: article code The following 3 or 5 digits serve for marking of the article itself. The enterprise is free to number its products in an order convenient for it. - 1 digit: check digit The last remaining digit serves for correctness at reading by the scanner. For representation of digits in the EAN barcode is used a reliable system having high level of security. The first digit of the barcode has special purpose. The remaining 12 digits are divided into two groups by six in each one (left and right). The groups of digits are screened off by so called protective or enclosing stroke patterns. These patterns contain strokes with one and the same width which serve for synchronization of the scanner. The left and right group of digits are enclosed by 3 strokes – two dark ones and one light one between them. The middle group of protective strokes consists of five strokes – three light ones and two dark ones. For one and the same digits on the left (L) and the right (R) side are used different codes. Each digit no matter if it is on the left or on the right side is encoded by means of four strokes – two light ones and two dark ones. Each stroke may have relative width of one, two, three or four units. The total width of the stroke for one digit always consists of seven units. The total width of the whole barcode is always equal to 95 units. In each code are present 29 light and 30 dark strokes.



EAN-8 has smaller sizes than EAN-13, and is respectively used for marking of smaller packagings. It consists of 8 digits. The first three are again for the country producer, the next 4 digits for the article number and finally is the check digit. Its nominal sizes are 26,73х21,31 mm at hight of strokes 8,23 mm and preferred disposition in the back bottom corner.

Universal Product Code (U.P.C.)


UPC consists of twelve divisions divided into three groups. This barcode standard does not provide divisions for country. The first group of 6 to 9 divisions is called UPC company prefix. The second group of 5 to 2 divisions conforms to the article number. The last (12-th) division is check digit. (U.P.C.) is successfully used in the supermarkets in America and Canada since 1973.

Code 39


Code 39 is the first developed alphanumeric symbology. This is the most frequently used barcode symbology because it affords to be encoded digits, characters and punctuations. This is a discrete symbology with variable length. Each symbol at Code 39 consists of 5 lines and 4 blank fields. The encoding of each sysmbol consists of 3 wide and 6 narrow elements. All lower case letters are automatically transformed in capital ones because Code 39 does not support the encoding of lower case letters. The symbol * is reserved for use as symbol for beginning and end of the barcode. The barcodes which contain invalid symbols are substituted with striken out square with the purpose of visual indication of the error. The structure of Code39 mod 43 is the same as of Code39, with added check symbol for data check. The check symbol is sum by module 43 of the values of all symbols. The list of symbols which may be encoded with Code39 includes capital letters from A to Z, the digits from 0 to 9, the blank symbol, the symbols. $ / + %

Code 128


Code 128 is introduced as alphanumeric technology with high density. Since 1990 its use is extended in large number of applications. There is possibility to be adapted automatically when is encoded only digital information or when is encoded alphanumeric information. Because of being very compact this code in its digital version may be always used, and the alphanumeric version is even more compact than Code 39. This symbology is continuous with variable length and is more frequently used instead Code 39, because of the better density and better choice of symbols. The encoding table of Code 128 includes the digits from 0 to 9, letters from A to Z (lower case and capital) and all standard ASCII symbols and check codes. The codes are divided into three types - A, B, and C. For this purpose there are three different initial codes for indication of types. Additionally each type includes check symbols for switching over from one to another type in the middle of the barcode. Type А includes the standard ASCII symbols, digits, capital letters and check codes. Type В includes the standard ASCII symbols, digits, capital and lower case letters. Type С compresses two digits in each position achieving superb intensity.


Interleaved2 of 5

Interleaved 2 of 5 is introduced as alphanumeric technology with high density based on Standard 2 of 5. It is mainly used at the distribution and warehouse industry. Interleaved 2 of 5 codes each even number of digits in the widths (narrow or wide) of the bars and the blank fields of the barcode. This affords achieving of a little bit higher density.



Codabar may code the digits from 0 to 9, six symbols (-: $ / +.), as well as start / stop A, B, C, D, E, *, N, or Т. The start / stop signs must be used in coinciding couples and can not appear on other place in the barcode. Codabar is used in libraries, blood banks, courier as well as many other applications for information processing. There is no defined check sum as part of the standard Codabar, but some industries (for example libraries) have approved their own standards for check sum. As far as Codabar is self-controlled there is no fixed check digit. If a specific application wants to apply check digit for additional security – such ones may be specified.


QR code (abbreviation by Quick Response) is a specific two-dimensional barcode readable by special QR readers for cameras of mobile phones. The barcode consists of black modules arranged in square pattern on white background. The information in it may be text, URL or other. It is invented by the division of Toyota, Denso-Wave in 1994 and with the entering of smart-phones becomes more popular. QR codes represent matrix barcodes, which have the property to store information which is visualized at code scanning. In order a QR code to operate it should conform to particular structural requirements but they also allow its easy modification (for example to be changed the colors only if there is contrast between two colors, forming the QR code, to be put a logo etc. The applications of QR codes are endless. The consumers may scan the code in order to learn more for a given product, to open a given web site or to record information hidden behind the code.

 More for QR Codes : QR CODE